Do you ever feel tired, worn out, or exhausted…like it will never end?? When will you have the endless energy that you had as a child? Do you want to lose weight but don’t know where to start? Yeah???!! Great! ME too! lol. That’s part of being healthy.

Eat healthy

Truth be told, there are quite a few things that you and I both could do to improve our health, increase stamina, and truly feel AMAZING! The real question though is, what can you do that will truly make a difference and last long term?

Below are 5 tips that, when implemented on a consistent daily basis, can truly make that difference that you have always longed for. Are you willing to put forth the effort? Will you join me in my next adventure?

1. Pray & Read Scripture equals healthy mind

read scripture

This tip may seem cliche. Of course we’re supposed to pray and read scripture. It’s part of life, right? But think of it this way. How do you feel when you do NOT pray or read your Bible? Does life seem hard? Is it difficult to find peace within? I think the answer is a solid YES.

On the flip side…how do you feel when you DO pray and read your Bible? The same? To be honest, sometimes. Life doesn’t just seem hard, it IS hard…on a consistent, daily basis. BUT when I read my Bible, pray, and then just sit and LISTEN to the quiet…that INNER PEACE is what truly resonates with me.

Sometimes, I’m truly just reading to “check it off my list”. Other times, it’s because I HUNGER to know God at a deeper level. Regardless of my reasons and my shortcomings, GOD is ALWAYS ready to meet me right where I’m at.

I recommend following A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication).

Seriously, just spend 5-15 minutes per day reading scripture and praying. Do it EVERY DAY. Make it a HABIT. Over time, you will truly notice the difference.

2. Breathe



Breathing is the equivalent to literally taking a breath in and letting it out. Inhale the (hopefully) fresh oxygen. Exhale the carbon.

Breathing is something we take for granted. Did you know that when we breathe IN, we are allowing our brain a chance to think more clearly? In addition this, when we hold our breath, we are depriving our brain of what it needs to concentrate. Did you know that breathing can RELIEVE your STRESS????

There are many ways to breathe…but here’s a simple one to remember.

INHALE to the count of 3. Exhale to the count of 4. Inhale through your nose. Exhale out your mouth. Keep a CONSTANT FLOW. Close your eyes. CALM DOWN. Feel the change. Feel the difference. Mind, Body, and Spirit.

BREATHE for two minutes every day..…then repeat throughout the day…Take note of how you feel afterwards.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

Did you know that what we eat makes a difference in how we feel? Are you always ON THE GO? If you’re like me, then it can be difficult to always eat healthy because of being SOOO BUSY ALL THE TIME!!

BUT there are ways to be and eat healthy, even when crazy busy.

Start by choosing to buy healthier foods… You will eat what is easily at your fingertips.

Eat Healthy Foods

Protein – Chicken Breast, Tuna, Nuts, Peanut Butter, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Seeds, Milk, Yogurt

Healthy Carb – Whole Grain Cheerios, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Bread, Apples, Oranges, Grapes, Sweet Potatoes, Legumes, Quinoa, Blueberries, Chickpeas, Avacado, Popcorn, Potato, Brown Rice

Fiber – Fresh Fruits & Fresh Veggies, Chia Seeds, Coconut, Squash, Black Beans,

4. Exercise Daily

Do you enjoy exercising? IF so, then this tip is EASY for you! Just do whatever exercise you enjoy! BUT if you are like ME, and do NOT like to exercise, then this can be a very difficult step. So let’s make it easier to get the exercise needed to keep our heart and body strong.

How do we do that? Just START SOMEWHERE. Find something that you enjoy. Do it every other day. Create a plan. Create a habit. Go from there.


I started something at the beginning of this year. My goal is to exercise 6 out of 7 days per week for the entire year. I want it to become a habit, something that I just do because it is part of my routine. I personally am doing planks every morning, starting small with 1 minute at a time. Eventually, I’ll build it up to being much longer and working on different positions. But for now, it’s simple. Back to the basics.

I do love to ride bikes and swim in the summer and I love to listen to music and “move and groove” along with it. Personally, I am taking it one step at a time. Each day, I’ll do SOME form of exercise. This way, I’ll keep it up all year long. As the seasons change, I’ll change what I do to exercise, but one thing will remain constant…..I will be meeting my GOAL to become a healthier ME! You can do the same! Follow along WITH me! You are NOT alone!

Aerobic Exercise: 30-60 minutes per day x 3-5 times per week

*Walk *Run *Ride Bike *Swim *Dance

Strength Training: 15-30 minutes per day x 2-4 times per week

*Planks *Lift Weights *Core Strengthening *Yoga *Pilates *Kettlebells

5. Drink Water

Did you know that water provides oxygen to your brain? And did you know that about 75% of your brain is made up of water? This means that dehydration, even as small as 2%, can have a negative effect on brain functions. Dehydration and a loss of sodium and electrolytes can cause acute changes in memory and attention. THIS is only one reason to drink LOTS of WATER!

Another reason to drink water is because it plays a key role in many of our body’s functions.

Drink lots of water

Water brings nutrients to cells, gets rid of waste, protects our joints and organs, and maintains a proper body temperature.

How much water should you drink??

That’s easy! Hop on a scale. Divide your body weight by 2. That number equals how many ounces of water you should drink every day!

For example: If you weigh 150 pounds, you would divide 150 by 2 to equal 75 ounces of water to be drank every day, throughout the day.

And those, my dear, are 5 Tips to a Healthier YOU!

Watch my video below to hear a few more tips!

Click here to see Essential Oils!

What’s your favorite tips for being healthy? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!

Click here to see more healthy tips:

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