Did you know that you can make a home made vapor rub that not only soothes the chest and bronchioles, but also supports your immune system and your respiratory system?

When my boy was little, he was sick quite a bit. It got to the point that he was sick constantly, nonstop, for a solid year. He had bronchitis, pneumonia, RSV, the flu, and more. It was a never-ending cycle. When he would seem to get better from one illness, the next one would pop up. We were constantly going to the ER for breathing treatments and I.V.s because he could not seem to get better. At one point, he was on 11 medications and he was STILL SICK!

It was at that time, when my friend introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils. I did not know anything about them, but as a mama with a sick child, I was pretty desperate. So, I did my research and bought a Premium Starter Kit. Click here to learn more! https://www.youngliving.com/us/en?enrollerid=1786033

When the oils arrived, I began experimenting with them to see if they helped any of his symptoms. What I discovered was a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in my boy’s health!! Using the essential oils (along with his medications) made a HUGE difference in boosting his immune system!

While I was mixing oils, I discovered a recipe that we LOVE to use to support our respiratory system. And that is my Homemade Vapor RUB!

It is SUPER EASY to make and only takes a few ingredients.

Homemade Vapor Rub

1/3 cup coconut oil – your favorite brand

5 – 10 drops YL Peppermint oil

5 – 10 drops YL Thieves oil

5 – 10 drops YL RC or YL Raven oil

Start by scooping the coconut oil into a

small glass jelly jar.

Add the essential oils and mix well.

Rub on chest, back, and neck.

Click here to view and download the FREE printable recipe.


What are YOUR favorite tips to help boost the immune and respiratory systems? I would love to hear your ideas. Please share them in the comments below.

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