Welcome to Life with Cathy! I believe that life is a journey that is full of all kinds of things that, when put together, create an amazing story. In other words, life is a puzzle! There are all kinds of puzzle pieces. Some are big, some are small. Some pieces are gorgeous and some are not. Some pieces are bright and shiny, attracting a lot of positive attention and some are dark and gloomy, causing feelings of pain and despair. But when you put ALL of the pieces TOGETHER, they make an AMAZING picture!

Life is Difficult, but Can Be Fun!

Life is a Puzzle.  I'm sharing my pieces with you.

Life can be hard. Not only CAN it be, but Life IS hard! BUT…it can also be FUN, and INTERESTING as well!! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NIV says, “There is a time for everything….a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…a time to weep and a time to laugh…a time to keep and a time to throw away…a time to be silent and a time to speak…”

Vacay to San Diego: a piece to life's puzzle

This passage of scripture has helped me tremendously throughout MY puzzle of life. I have experienced a lot of hardship, but I have JOY in the midst of the trials. Because of this, I am starting this blog and I WANT to HELP other people. I want you to KNOW that you are NOT alone in your puzzle of life. There is HOPE for you and me both. Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you go through deep waters I will be with you.” Jesus will ALWAYS be with you. HE is there when no one else is.

Ecclesiastes 9:9&10 NIV says, “Enjoy life…Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” I leave you with this scripture because I learned years ago to make the most with what I have. I look for the peace and joy in the midst of struggles. One way that I do this, is to spend LOTS of quality time with my family. I have learned how to go on impressive vacations, while on a tight budget.

I have been able to give my children EXPERIENCES that are worth more than anything money could buy.

Experiences: part of life’s puzzle

~ wonderful vacations (almost for free!)

Vacation to

San Diego, CA!

~ mini-trips and day trips (also almost for free!)

~ as well as time spent teaching my children how to make a house a home….

~ Life is a Puzzle ~

gardening: a piece of life's puzzle
painting: a piece of life's puzzle

*Cooking *Cleaning *Gardening *Chores *Painting *Taking care of Pets *Health & Wellness

*Dancing (well…let’s be real here… …Running around the living room, flapping my arms and looking pretty much like a chicken! haha)

Click here to see another piece of my puzzle, my favorite pets, my Sugar Gliders! https://lifewithcathy.com/category/miscellaneous-pieces-of-life/sugar-gliders

Another piece of my puzzle is my Young Living Essential Oils to support our health. Click here to learn more! https://www.youngliving.com/us/en?enrollerid=1786033

When it is all said and done…Life is what we make of it. I CHOOSE to make my puzzle be adventurous and intriguing….How about you??? What kind of puzzle do YOU want to Create???

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